Choose from HDFC Mutual Fund Debt Schemes Displayed Here

The tendency to make quick bucks could draw you to investing in the power of equity. But if you don’t possess the high-risk capacity, you may face lot of mental hiccups along the way. It’s because equities go through a series of fluctuations and can even erode substantially in value, causing a lot of anxiety amongst risk-averse investors. So, all those who can’t deal with the market fluctuation that equities go through can better off reposing faith in the stability of debt mutual funds. While there are plenty of Asset Management Companies (AMCs) to choose from, we can make it easier by showcasing the debt schemes of HDFC Mutual Fund. You can thus compare the schemes and choose the one that goes with your style of investment. 

List of Debt Funds 

The list of top HDFC debt funds consists of the following - 
  • HDFC Banking and PSU Debt Fund
  • HDFC Corporate Bond Fund
  • HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund 
  • HDFC Dynamic Debt Fund 
HDFC Banking and PSU Debt Fund 

As the name suggests, the fund invests in the debt instruments by banks and PSU units. The careful choosing of instruments has transpired into the performance of the fund, which has delivered an impressive return of 9.26% in the last one year. The last 3 and 5-year returns of 7.71% and 8.38% put the fund in a good light. If you talk about the return since it was launched in 2014, it’s also pretty good with 8.46%. You can invest a minimum sum of 5,000 to start off with this. The minimum additional investment required is 1,000. 

HDFC Corporate Bond Fund 

It’s an open-ended debt fund that invests the money predominantly in bonds of companies with AA+ and above rating. The minimum investment in these bonds can be 80%. Since getting launched in 2010, the fund has delivered a return of 8.76%. The fund’s impressive performance of 9.95% in 1, 8.15% in 3 and 8.62% in 5 years encourages investments. You need to make a minimum investment of 5,000 and an additional investment of 1,000. 

HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund

The open-ended debt fund scheme invests predominantly in bonds of corporate with AA+ and above rating. Since incepted in 2014, the fund has offered returns of 8.71%. The fund has delivered returns of 7.68%, 7.39% and 8.47% in 1, 3 and 5 years, respectively. The minimum investment needed amounts to 5,000. On the other hand, the minimum additional investment needed is 1,000. 

HDFC Dynamic Debt Fund 

The open-ended debt fund invests in debt and money-market instruments based on the interest rate outlook. The fund has delivered 8.43% return since getting launched in 1997. On the other hand, it has delivered a return of 3.10%, 4.90%, 6.99% and 7.09% in a span of 1, 3, 5 and 10 years, respectively. You need to make a minimum investment of 5000, while the additional investments are allowed with a minimum of 1,000.


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